Rental Module

New version available
Rental module
New version available

Fill out the form below, it takes less than a minute.

We will contact you within 48 hours to make an appointment.

We will exchange and build your project together.

Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous, cela prend moins d’une minute.

Nous vous recontactons sous 48h pour prendre RDV.

Echangeons et construisons votre projet ensemble.


We are continually improving our products and services rental module.

We keep evolving it to match the highest quality standards and user experience.
In addition to a lot of small fixes, this new version brings  its share of features :
– Payment integration :

Let your customers pay online ! Once properly set, our module integrate itself to the Prestashop payment process, ensuring you a significant rise of online booking!

– A new administration interface :

Our module got itself a new skin ! Using Bootrap and PrestUI libraries , we evolved the administration UI in order to make it fit perfectly within Prestashop and offer a nice user experience.

– Module Internationalisation :

Our module is  now provided in english and french . You wish to add more langages ? No problems ! You can get it translated using the Prestashop administration interface

– A better handling of your agencies hours :

In addition of setting up opening and closing hours for your agencies, you can define for them an exceptional schedule :

Holidays hours, closure …

– Fixes and optimisations :

We made a lot fixes, code optimisation and refactoring. We also reviewed and optimized our code to match the quality standards in effect :

  • The code has been reviewed with security in mind.(Mesures against code injection :  XSS, CSRF, SQL)

Our code has been formated relative to the PSR-2 ensuring its clarity and readability.

You can learn more about it  by watching this video :

To get our module follow this link : Prestashop Addons. 
You will get the version 1.0 of our module .

Send us your order number at to get the last version.

You have a project ?
Contact the E-Commerce team, we will concretize your project together.

Exchange on my project

By phone
Contact-us on 05 82 95 58 15
By mail
You want to contact us and/or send us documents ?
Be reconctacted


58 bis Chemin du Chapitre,
31100 Toulouse, France


+33 5 82 95 04 21

Venez nous rencontrer

09:00–12:30, 14:00–18:00
Du lundi au vendredi